poirot studio

the brief

“We want to co-create the conditions for market for the next generation of local public services where technology is an enabler rather than a barrier to service improvements, and services are a delight for citizens and officials to use.”

the challenge

“Our goal is to identify what content and functionality is the most important to the widest array of citizens so that you can prioritise the features that will be the most impactful to current and potential users.”

our approach

research phase
our key research and takeaways

research phase


what was the council’s site doing well?


what were areas that could be improved?


which areas offered the greatest win-win?

we looked at four areas of the islington council site


benefits and support


council tax


Small business owners who want to develop their businesses in Islington experience a lack of communication and support from the Council, preventing them from finding the relevant information and assistance they need to effectively run and grow their business.


So, which concept solutions could help Carl?

we know what carl wants but how can we make sure we meet his needs as we begin to design?

our site will only show the user what is
relevant to them.


our site will always guide the user to what
they’re looking for.


our site will empathise with the users, so they
always feel valued and


our site will be accessible to both expert and
novice users.


our site will allow the
user know what they
are doing and where they are within the site.


what did we decide to build?

give us a buzz!

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